Gallery: Father Rose talks about aging and spirituality

The Rev. John Rose presented a program titled “Spiritual Wisdom in Our Aging Years” on Wednesday, May 11, in the Salerno Room. More than 40 people attended. Father Rose served as our pastor from 2003-2009. He is a 1964 graduate of New Hartford High School and is celebrating his 50th year as a priest. He […]


Gallery, video: Children participate in the traditional May Crowning

At the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 7, 2022, the annual May Crowning honoring Mary took place with the First Communion and Faith Formation children participating. This year, the crown was made of flowers honoring the people of Ukraine.   Video courtesy of Jean Reale


Parents planning to christen babies must attend baptism session

Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation. It is a beautiful ceremony that welcomes the baby (or adult) into the Catholic faith and to free them from the original sin that we were all born with. It links you to the grace and love of God. Symbols of water, light and oil are used. We have […]


Gallery, video: Easter Vigil and the Resurrection of Our Lord

Our parish celebrated the Resurrection of Our Lord during the Easter Vigil on the evening of April 16. The service included the lighting of the Paschal Candle; readings from the Old Testament, including a musical version of the Exodus; the welcoming of two new parishioners into the Catholic Church and our community; and the distribution […]


Gallery, video: Good Friday and the passion and death of Jesus

Our parish commemorated the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Good Friday, April 15. The proclamation of The Passion took place, along with the worldwide intercessions, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion. Here are some images and livestream video from the services: Click here to watch Part 1 of the services […]


Gallery and video: Holy Thursday and the celebration of the Last Supper

Our church nearly was filled with worshipers on Holy Thursday, April 14, as we celebrated the Last Supper of the Lord. There was the traditional Washing of the Feet with 12 parishioners participating, the offering of Mass and Holy Eucharist, the procession with the Eucharist in the dark, and a musical meditation following the services. […]


Gallery: Palm Sunday and commemorating the Lord’s Passion

Many people returned to church on Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022, to commemorate the Passion of Our Lord. As is the custom in our parish, parishioners, readers and servers processed around the church with palms as the music ministry sung “Jerusalem My Destiny.” Several lectors and Father Jim took part in The Passion, and Mass […]


Engaged couples, this is for you: Here’s why you should get married in church

A church is so much more than simply a venue for your wedding. Unique and special things become part of your marriage — on the day of the wedding and beyond. A church wedding will add a spiritual dimension to your marriage. The ceremony includes God and looks to God for help and guidance. Seeking […]